
Showing posts from September, 2018

Fixing up a LARGE storage area

I've built "auto-sorters" from videos on YouTube, designed my own, etc. But most of them have fallen far short of what I wanted. What I want is to be able to rush into my Base and just dump all the stuff I've collected into a chest and let it get sorted automatically. The sorting part is rather easy to do actually, you can do it with 3 hoppers, a few redstone repeaters, and a couple of redstone comparators, along with a few blocks and some hoppers. But, I've even built them without the Droppers, just put the input chest on top of a "feeder hopper" but the timing can be off sometimes so the Dropper format works better because it feeds the items into the system at a slower rate. The real problem occurs when one of your storage chests gets full and the excess items start building up in the "filter hopper" that normally feeds that chest.  At some point the comparator on the "filter Hopper" will start sending out too strong of a signal a...

Time to go to the Nether!

OK, the Nether has ALWAYS creeped me out!  Full of lava and Mobs, and now it has even the normal mobs that always attack you (I used to avoid attacking any of the Mobs except those that attacked me so I was relatively safe) and, if they hit a neutral mob, YOU get blamed for it and the neutrals start attacking you too!  Kinda like shooting a wolf when others see you, then they all attack you (or used to, I haven't killed one in a long time). For me a trip to the Nether is only needed to get a few resources. Sometimes Buckets of lava for my furnaces, sometimes Blaze Rods to use in making Brewing Stands or for fuel. The Blaze spawners are at the Nether Fortress. If I think about it I can build my Home Base around an Overland Portal going to the Nether Fortress rather than right at, or near, my spawn point. If you create a new world, then save and quit then you can use a program called "amidst" to get a very nice map of your saved world. You can have it display many things,...